Crossing The Tees Book Festival
We love being involved with the annual Crossing The Tees Book Festival. Spanning all five authorities of the Tees Valley area, the festival is entering its tenth year with exciting plans for this summer.

Annual Short Story Competition
Attracting entries from around the world, the Crossing The Tees Short Story Competition is up to its sixth year and we continue to publish the winners alongside the thirty short-listed stories in a super anthology each year.
Writer Workshops
We love visiting the libraries for festival week to deliver a range of workshops aimed at writers. We’ve run a host of workshops for Crossing the Tees including routes to publishing, writing children’s books, how to market and sell your own book, and writing science fiction and fantasy.
Ink Flows Poetry Collection
For the festival in 2019, we worked alongside writer Lisette Auton and illustrator Sara Gibbeson as part of the Crossing The Tees residency programme to publish a fab little book of poetry.
Flash!Mob Book in a week
In the summer of 2022, a bunch of writers met in person at Middlesbrough Reference Library on the Monday of the festival, joined by heaps more online via Zoom, to write flash fiction along the theme of We Hope This Finds You Well. Cue some super fast editing, typesetting and production, and a few days later, on the Friday, the eBook was launched with some fantastic readings from around the world.