Harvey Duckman Presents…

Harvey Duckman presents… is a series of short stories in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror and steampunkery, giving a glimpse into some fantastic worlds by established authors, as well as a taste of more to come from new writers.

The Harvey Books

Up to 12 volumes by the end of 2022, each Harvey book contains fifteen stories by different writers with a mix of sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk, horror and other speculative fiction genres in each. Sometimes there are themes (Volume 10 is demons… Volume 11 is pirates…) but there’s always a great selection of the weird and wonderful. If you fancy giving it a read, Volume 1 is free to download on Kindle.

The Harvey Writers

Even though we’re based in Teesside and have a fantastic bunch of contributors who are local to the North East of England, Harvey writers come from far and wide, including across the UK and Europe, Japan, Australia, India and the USA.

Book Launches and Events

The idea behind Harvey Duckman has always been to help our writers promote their work and support each other, so events and launches are always fun. We’re regularly at Sci-Scarborough and KaPow in Stockton, and looking to head further afield in the near future.

Open for Submissions

We are looking for new writers to join the gang so if you write sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk or horror, check out our submission guidelines. We sometimes take a while to get back to people as Harvey schedules can be a bit chaotic, but give us a nudge and we’re happy to get in touch.