Projects and Workshops
Awesome ideas…
Workshops, writer retreats, one to one mentoring days, photo books, school projects, book publishing projects for events… we love coming up with innovative ideas to help you get people writing, archive your events and memories, and share your work.

What We Do…
Crossing The Tees
We love working with the Crossing The Tees team to deliver our regular workshops for writers, and also come up with new ideas for publications each year.
Apocalypse When?
In 2022 we worked with photographer Ian Robinson and the Post Apocalypse School of Teesside to publish an awesome book of photographs, poems and short stories.
Harvey Duckman…
Harvey Duckman Presents… is our showcase series of anthologies of sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk and horror short stories by awesome writers here in Teesside and around the world.
Inspiring children to read
In the academic year 2017-18, we worked with the Nunthorpe Academy Y7 Inclusion Group to embark on an amazing journey – to not only write a story, but for each student to publish their own book.
Call Gillie on 07970 065628 if you’d like a chat about your project and how we can help.
Get In Touch
We are happy to chat and talk about writing, books and publishing, so give us a shout on 07970 065628 and see how we can help.
Arthur Robinson House
13-14 The Green
Billingham TS23 1EU
Appointments by prior arrangement only.